Atomrigs Lab now launched the Dekey wallet for safer and convenient Dapp browsing.
Now we're introducing Dekey, a safer and more convenient wallet for decentralized applications(Dapps).
Dekey solved the security problem of personal wallets by generating distributed private keys, which have been the primary target for hacking attacks, and by storing the split shares of the keys in the separated device storages. We named the wallet DeKey in the sense that the private key is never made in full form.
In order to safely control the distributed private key share, it features the full 2FA support. It also provides automatic confirmation functionality to improve UI for decentralized games or highly interactive applications.
It supports Binance Smart Chain and Klaytn Network as well as Ethereum Mainnet, and also has a multi-chain environment that supports other Ethereum Layer 2 chains.
This version is an extension for the Chrome browser, allowing most of the Dapps, including many DeFi projects, to operate easily and safely in a regular Chrome browser.
The easy mobile version and the professional desktop version that enables automated operations will also be released this year.
We've worked hard over the past two years to apply and implement secure multi-party computing cryptography technology to our wallets, and now we're able to provide a hands-on environment for everyone.
Thank you so much to everyone who has helped the project go well so far. In particular, I deeply appreciate the Klaytn development team and the Klaytn Foundation for helping us expand to a multi-chain-based wallet.
We will continue to work harder to revitalize the blockchain ecosystem.
May 25, 2021
Woo Hyeon(Brian) Cheong
Atomrigs Lab